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Compelling Reasons
As a respected warranties and bonds consultancy with extensive relationships with all insurers, attracting exclusive rates with both standard and ‘A' rated providers, we provide a service where due to the economies of scale we introduce you to insurers where you will receive lower premiums than you would going directly to insurers.

We work for YOU not the insurers

We offer a unique service :

1. You provide us with the best quotes you’ve been given

2. Our quotes turned around within 48 hours

3. You benefit directly from the overall scale of business we place in the market

4. We guarantee to save you at least 10% on your best quotations with the same or higher rated insurer and with equal or more comprehensive cover. This saving includes our fee which we only charge if we provide the 10% saving and only applies if we place your business. As a bonus, you benefit from our considerable experience and expertise as part of our inclusive service.

No obligation and you have nothing to lose, it’s that simple !

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As a consultancy team with many years collective experience working with the main insurers, we work for you not the insurers in obtaining quotes for you based on the overall scale of business our clients place from which you directly benefit.

We apply due diligence in researching the market on your behalf for your specific requirements and only earn our fees by saving you money, before which our service is entirely free.

We have access to insurers with the most competitively priced warranties throughout the UK. Your dedicated account management team has a wealth of experience in the industry as well as in-depth knowledge of the products and services you require. They will work with you to analyse your expenditure and procurement patterns, identifying potential cost saving opportunities. This will continue throughout your relationship with us.

You have nothing to lose by us arranging our insurers to quote for you. With reduced premiums for the same or better warranty you may have been quoted for and a consultancy who works on your behalf and understands your needs to negotiate the best deals for you, it’s a perfect non risk solution.

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With so much uncertainty in the warranty field, we are becoming the UK construction industry’s new premier choice for:

New Build Warranties (Latent Defect Insurance)
Retrospective Cover
Professional Indemnity
Insurance Backed Guarantees
Road and Sewer Bonds
Right of Light Insurance
Performance Bonds

We hold your hand
We give you access to the cheapest premiums for the highest quality warranties, bonds and specialist insurance
We provide experience, expertise and innovation

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To assist your decision to use the services of a new insurer or to migrate from another provider:

Protecting you from the financial risks of the construction industry

Our insurers provide the most comprehensive and competitively priced:
       Specialist insurance
       Preferred relationships with insurers covering standard to A rated by the FCA
       Insurers are all Council of Mortgage Lenders Approved
       Lightning fast quotations within 48 hours
       Hand picked panel of qualified surveyors
       Comprehensive range of products
       Your own dedicated account manager
       Working with private home-owners and large-scale developers alike
       Specialist insurance for business requiring industry-specific cover
       Sound experienced advice
       Bespoke personal service
       Focussed on clients’ completing projects on time
       Trusted partnership
       Powerful combination of experience with latest innovation
       Complete peace of mind.

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Council of Mortgage Lenders
CML   The warranties and bonds insurers we work with are all Council of Mortgage Lenders approved.

Most lenders require to see a latent defects insurance policy from a recognised provider before releasing funds. This applies to all new residential properties as well as properties which are less than 10 years old. These are just a few of these lenders:

Bank of ScotlandDirect Line MortgagesNational Westminster Bank

Royal Bank of Scotland PLCSantander UK PLCBarclays Bank UK PLC

Chelsea Building SocietyCoutts BankHalifax

Lloyds Banking GroupScottish Widows Virgin One

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Technical Expertise
Warranties, bonds and knowledge of specialist insurance are only part of our service. We lead with expert risk management and business continuity alongside important other services to ensure you are protected against the unforeseen.

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Key Features

Industry Concerns
Regrettably it’s not unknown for the collapse of providers of latent defects policies leaving worried homeowners without cover or replacement cover. Following on this also causes problems with homeowners acquiring a mortgage or selling their properties.

As specialists in New Build insurance (Latent Defects Warranties) our insurers provide sound advice and peace of mind in the industry sector to homeowners who may find themselves in breach of their mortgage terms and conditions and unable to sell their homes.

These volatile times similarly apply to creating a very unsteady Professional Indemnity market where we have relationships with insurers who can apply sound advice and service to help our clients when most needed.

We extend our service to existing and interested new clients who have experienced their own problems within the industry.

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We only introduce you to insurers who are Council of Mortgage Lenders approved providing bespoke cover from standard to A-rated.

These are a small selection :


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Insurance Rating
Different clients require their own specific levels of cover. The insurers we introduce you to are all CML approved and specialise in the entire spectrum from standard cover to A rated by the FCA.

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Panel of Surveyors
We have a hand picked panel of surveyors who are qualified through the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and are ready to provide you with professional advice

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Dedicated Account Management
From the moment of initial engagement you are assigned a dedicated account management team. Our managers are experts in the industry and their remit is to get to know your business, find out your needs and introduce you to insurers who will meet your criteria.

A dedicated account management team will support your day-to-day requirements; build long-term relationships at all levels and locations. We understand your business and the key challenges you face and we provide the solutions you will require and even some you may not be aware you need.

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Lightning Fast Quotations
We recognise that this industry is not noted for prompt delivery of quotations, this is not the case with our consultancy as this is one area that we prioritise by removing layers of unnecessary bureaucracy.

You will receive like for like or superior quotations from insurers within 48 hours.

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New Build Warranties (Latent Defects Insurance)
Provides owners with protection against damage caused by a defect in design, workmanship or materials not discovered before the cover commences. Core cover includes:
     Damage caused by structural defects and water ingress
     Remedial work for prevention of collapse
     Costs of dismantling, moving, storing and re-building property
     Professional fees
     Experienced and specialist claims experts and liability handlers
     Up to 12 years from date of practical completion for the full reinstatement property
     The policy is assignable

Client profiles
     Individual, medium and corporate size property owners, developers, project managers, landlords, housing associations, financial institutions, tenants, leaseholders, contractors

     For their clients; introducers & brokers, solicitors, conveyancers, accountants, architects, surveyors, accountants, estate agents

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Retrospective Cover
Retrospective warranties are required on a residential property which has been built or converted in the last 10 years without the benefit of a recognised structural warranty, architect's certificate or builders guarantee. We have access to insurers with the most appropriate and competitively priced policies on the market.

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Professional Indemnity

Providing professional advice is wrought with difficulties and the unexpected. Making a mistake without adequate insurance protection is unforgivable, so a client suing you could damage your business, the reputation you have strived to achieve and often your personal wellbeing. Even minor errors can lead to sizeable claims.

Having complete confidence in your insurance is as important as confidence in your own abilities.

Typically, professional indemnity insurance covers legal fees and compensation payments if a client loses out financially or professionally that is attributable to you.

Here are just a few examples when professional indemnity insurance can cover you:

Mistake in your work
Providing bad advice
Sharing sensitive or confidential information without consent
Employing copyright protected content without permission
Losing a client's documents or data
Publishing a false statement that damages a person's or company's reputation

Our insurers will build a tailored professional indemnity insurance policy based on your business’s specific needs and risks.

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Insurance Backed Guarantees (IBG)
One of the most effective ways that a contractor can demonstrate the quality of their work and set themselves aside from competitors is to offer customers an Insurance Backed Guarantee on their work.

We are specialists in this sector and will provide you with access to insurers with the most comprehensive and competitively priced IBG’s in the market, you will be delighted with the savings you can make.

You will be guided through the process
We act fast to ensure you meet deadlines and win contracts
Sets you, the contractor apart from competition who can’t offer IBG’s
Gives peace of mind to customers knowing you have satisfied insurers to the standard and reliability of your work
It enables you to win tenders where IBG’s are obligatory, including warranty companies now requesting IBG’s for flat roofs & structural waterproofing
Provides vital protection and security for the customer
Cover can be up to 12 years

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Road and Sewer Bonds
These bonds, also known as Section 38 Road, Section 104 Sewer and Section 278 Junction, guarantee the local authority or water company that a road, footpath, street lighting or sewer system will be provided to a standard which is acceptable to them.

Usually a local authority will look after a road once the developer has commenced works, but the developer also has to give the council confirmation of insurance which is a surety bond, which would allow them to go ahead.

Roads bonds work as a guarantee for the council. Works undertaken by the developer will be required to be of a certain specification and timescale. If the works are not carried out to these standards then the local authority can call upon the bond money to complete the works of the road if for whatever reason it has been left incomplete.

Obtaining Insurance for Road and Sewer bonds although usually straight forward can often be complicated with the volume of paperwork required to be submitted, but we guide you along this process to reduce the stress.

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Performance Bonds
A Performance Bond, usually set at 10% of the contract value, is commonly used in the construction industry to insure a client against the risk of a contractor failing to fulfil contractual obligations to the client. Where this occurs the bond provides compensation guaranteed by a third party up to the amount of the performance bond.

A Performance Bond, again typically set at 10% contract value can also be required from a bank who are funding a development for a client in the event that the contractor delays completion or over extends on delivery.

Instead of clients having 10% of the contract value deposited and ring-fenced for the duration of the development in a bond, we provide you with access to insurers with policies that only require clients to pay an insurance premium at a fraction of the value of the bond instead of depositing the funds or being guaranteed by a third party. This clearly helps clients’ capital outlays and cash flow and can sometimes mean the difference of whether or not the project is financially viable.

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Right of Light Insurance
Right of Light Insurance Policies protect the developer or landowner from Rights of Light claims, where a neighbour claims they have had their amount of light reduced.

Right of Light Insurance Policies protect the developer or landowner from Rights of Light claims, where a neighbour claims they have had their amount of light reduced.

If a new building reduces the amount of light coming in through a neighbours window, and the level of light inside falls below the accepted level, then this can constitute as an obstruction and they can then be entitled to take legal action against the landowner. This could result in the neighbour seeking a court injunction to have the development reduced in height and size, or in some cases compensation to be paid. Core cover typically includes:

     Legal costs in addressing claims
     Compensation settlements
     Abortive design and construction costs
     Loss in land value in the event the developer's project is permanently halted or curtailed by the court.

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Property Profiles

Property Profiles
Small Developments
Medium Developments
Major Developments
Single Houses
Commercial Projects
Affordable Housing
Shared Ownership
Mixed Use Developments
Custom & Self Build
Build to Rent
High Value Private Homes
Student Accommodation

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